《Our Beautiful Era Season 2》 introduce
Altena, 1967. Christel Wolf manages the family business"Vereinigte Metallwerke Altena" with an iron fist. After her former business relationship with the Nazis became public and her husband committed suicide, she saved the family business from bankruptcy. The factory now produces coin blanks on behalf of the Ministry of Finance; This is how it receives half of Altana's salary, with guest workers from Italy and Greece performing arduous physical labor for long periods of time - led by Matteo Morabito. Christel's relationship with his three daughters is very tense: Ulla is now a doctor who lives in East Berlin with Tommy and daughter Angelika and is committed to socialism; As a young mother, Gundel is emotionally agitated and her marriage to the successful shoe store owner Benno is not good; Margot, who works as a human resources manager at Wolf Werke, and her 19-year-old son Winfried, named Winne, live in a family villa with Christel. Christel saw her successor in Winne, but he was eager to break free from the middle-class situation, with fast cars, cool beats, and beautiful girls in his mind. Dropping out of high school, stopping teaching, rebellious slogans, Winne definitely doesn't want to join a union. Together with his best friend and recent high school graduate Bijan, a great adventure is about to begin in West Berlin. But on the contrary, his grandmother Christel put him"on the right track": under Christel's secret letter and the strict scrutiny of Chief Secretary AnneMarie, she had Winne start at the bottom of Wolf Werke's production - with guest workers - and handed him over to Matteo. Although Winne's mother Margot wants her son to learn discipline from the federal government. But after her failed marriage to former Nazi B ö cker, who fled to Argentina 14 years ago, she became a single parent in this small town, relying on her mother. Crystal, who has a strong will, insists on himself in education. Margot complied, but refused to represent Wolf Werke at the city's 600th anniversary celebration with her mother. Due to Christel's favorite daughter Gundel being left alone by her husband who was on a business trip, she had to take care of her newborn baby. Winne was angry at his youth club, and Christel sat alone at the best dining table of the happy drinking Sch ü tzenfest as the director of Wolf Werke. Across from her, at the dining table of Mayor and construction contractor J ü rgen Vielhaber, Winne's stepfather and Walter B ö cker, former partner of Wolf Werke, had already sat down. He almost escaped the military coup in Argentina. Sitting next to B ö cker is 20-year-old dressage rider Gabriela, who had to leave her parents in Argentina when she escaped. When Winne met Gabriela, she suddenly had a reason to stay at Altena. But B ö cker will not return to this town without ulterior motives. 14 years later, Winne met his stepfather. When smoke suddenly emerged from the wolf's work, he was completely shocked.Everyone is looking for: Our Good Times Season 2 online viewing, Our Good Times Season 2 German online viewing, Our Good Times Season 2 German drama, Our Good Times Season 2 free viewing, Our Good Times Season 2 plot introduction, Our Good Times Season 2 Baidu cloud storage, Why is Our Good Times Season 2 gone, Our Good Times Season 1, Our Good Times plot introduction, Our Good Times movies
《我們的美好時代第二季》 繁體簡介
阿爾特納,1967年。 Christel Wolf用鐵拳管理著家族企業“Vereinigte Metallwerke Altena”,在與納粹的前商業關係公開,她的丈夫自殺後,她從破產中拯救了家族企業。 該工廠現在代表財政部生產硬幣坯料; 這就是它獲得阿爾特納一半的薪水的管道,來自義大利和希臘的客工長期進行艱苦的體力勞動——Matteo Morabito帶頭。 Christel與三個女兒的關係很緊張:Ulla現在是一名醫生,與Tommy和女兒Angelika住在東柏林,並致力於社會主義; 作為一個年輕母親,Gundel情緒激動,她與成功的鞋店老闆Benno的婚姻並不好; 只有在Wolf-Werke擔任人力資源經理的Margot和她19歲的兒子Winfried,名叫Winne,與Christel住在家庭別墅裏。 Christel在Winne看到了她的繼任者,但他迫切地想擺脫中產階級的處境,他腦子裏有快車、酷酷的節拍和漂亮的女孩。 高中輟學,停止教學,叛逆的口號,Winne絕對不想加入工會。 與他最好的朋友、剛畢業的高中畢業生Bijan一起,大冒險即將在西柏林開始。 但相反,他的祖母Christel讓他“走上正軌”:在Christel的密信、首席秘書Annemarie的嚴格注視下,她讓Winne在Wolf-Werke的製作底部開始——與客座工人一起——並將他交給Matteo。 儘管Winne的母親Margot希望她的兒子向聯邦政府學習紀律。 但在她與14年前逃往阿根廷的前納粹Böcker結婚失敗後,她是這個小鎮的單親父母,依賴於母親。 意志堅強的克裡斯特爾在教育方面堅持自己。 Margot遵守了,但拒絕與她的母親一起代表Wolf-Werke參加該市600周年慶祝活動。 由於Christel最喜歡的女兒Gundel被出差的丈夫獨自留下,她必須照顧她剛出生的嬰兒,Winne在他的青年俱樂部很生氣,Christel作為Wolf-Werke的主任獨自坐在快樂飲酒Schützenfest的最佳餐桌上。 在她對面,在市長兼建築承包商Jürgen Vielhaber的餐桌上,Winne的繼父和Wolf-Werke的前合夥人Walter Böcker已經坐了下來。 他險些逃脫了阿根廷的軍事政變。 坐在Böcker旁邊的是20歲的盛裝舞步騎手Gabriela,她逃跑時不得不把父母留在阿根廷。 當Winne遇到Gabriela時,Winne突然有了留在Altena的理由。 但Böcker不會在沒有別有用心的情况下回到這個小鎮。 14年後,Winne遇到了他的繼父。 當狼的工作上空突然冒出煙霧時,他完全大吃一驚。大家都在找:我們的美好時代第二季線上觀看,我們的美好時代第二季德國線上觀看,我們的美好時代第二季德劇,我們的美好時代第二季免費觀看,我們的美好時代第二季劇情介紹,我們的美好時代第二季百度網盤,我們的美好時代二季怎麼沒了,我們的美好時代第一季,我們的美好時代劇情介紹,我們的美好時代電影
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哈哈影视 网友:我们的美好时代第二季有以下主演:卡蒂娅·里曼,安娜·玛丽亚·穆埃,Hans Jochen Vogel,路德维格.特内普特,Vanessa Loibl,大卫·舒特,达米安·哈顿,Rocio Luz,奥米德·墨玛,Merlin Sandmeyer,Hanna Plaß,艾拉·李,Patrick Joswig,Valerio Morigi
Ne tflix电影最佳影评:我感觉《我们的美好时代第二季》还不错的, Mira Thiel导演设计了很多镜头非常精彩,有我最喜欢的 卡蒂娅·里曼,安娜·玛丽亚·穆埃,Hans Jochen Vogel,路德维格.特内普特,Vanessa Loibl,大卫·舒特,达米安·哈顿,Rocio Luz,奥米德·墨玛,Merlin Sandmeyer,Hanna Plaß,艾拉·李,Patrick Joswig,Valerio Morigi等老师参与演出,我是他们的粉丝。